Awards & Aaccreditation


B.Duck Semk honored with Hong Kong Top Brand Ten Year Achievement Award


Annual Top Value Brand Award


HKDA Best Design Awards – Hall of Fame


Most Popular New Share Among Public Investors

Highest Income Generating Share from IPO Subscriptions


Hong Kong O2O E-commerce Federation

O2OLeading Road Model Award "Star of Star"


First Trading Day of Semk Holdings International Limited


Organising Committee of China IP Industry Conference

Most Commercially Valuable Cultural Tourism Mascot 2020

Best Retailer Top 10


Licensing International – Asian Property of the Year

Huawei — HMS Best Content Partner


Organising Committee of China IP Industry Conference – Best Licensing Team Award Top 10

Hong Kong O2O E-commerce Federation — O2O Leading Road Model Award

Organising Committee of China IP Industry Conference – Most Valuable Cartoon & Animation IP Top 10


Licensing International – Asian Property of the Year

Organising Committee of China IP Industry Conference – Best Licensing Team Award Top 10

Organising Committee of China IP Industry Conference – Most Valuable Cartoon & Animation IP Top 10Federation of Hong Kong Industries – D-Awards 2018

New Employer Brand Conference The 13th New Employer Brand Conference — Best China Employer

Organising Committee of China IP Industry Conference — Best Emoticon Award

Hong Kong Netrepreneurs Association — The Best Online Brand Awards

am730 x Mameshare Hong Kong Toy Awards 2018 — The Best IP Character


Organising Committee of China IP Industry Conference — Most Valuable Cartoon & Animation IP Top 10


Licensing International – Asian Property of the Year

Organising Committee of China IP Industry Conference – Most Valuable Cartoon & Animation IP Top 10

The Chinese Manufacturers Association of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Brand Development Council – Hong Kong Premier Brand